Our Practices
Welcome to the North Solihull Primary Care Network website.
Below are the locations of the practices that make up our Network, and links to their websites.
North Solihull PCN Practices
Arran Medical Centre
Address: Arran Medical Centre, Smith's Wood Medical Centre, Burton's Way, Birmingham, B36 0SZ
Telephone: 0121 770 4043
Website: www.arranmedicalcentre.co.uk
Sheldon Heath Medical Centre
Address: Sheldon Medical Centre, 194 Sheldon Heath Road, Sheldon, Birmingham, B26 2DR
Telephone: 0121 743 4444
Website: www.arranmedicalcentre.co.uk
Bosworth Medical Centre
Address: Bosworth Medical Centre, Chelmsley Wood Primary Care Centre, Crabtree Drive, Chelmsley Wood, B37 5BU
Telephone: 0121 770 4484
Website: www.bosworthmedicalcentre.co.uk
Chester Road Surgery
Address: Chester Road Surgery, 406c Chester Road, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, B36 0LF
Telephone: 0121 770 3035
Website: www.bosworthmedicalcentre.co.uk
The Castle Practice
Address: The Castle Practice, 2 Hawthorne Road, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, B36 0HH
Telephone: 0121 747 2422
Website: www.thecastlepractice.nhs.uk
Croft Medical Centre
Address: Croft Medical Centre, 1 Pomeroy Way, Chelmsley Wood, Birmingham, B37 7WB
Telephone: 0121 270 7180 (opt.3 general enq)
Website: www.craigcroftmedicalcentre.co.uk
Coventry Road Practice
Address: Coventry Road Practice, 2314 Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham, B26 3JS
Telephone: 0121 743 2154
Website: www.coventryroadpractice.co.uk
Kingshurst Medical Practice
Address: Kingshurst Medical Practice, 40 Gilson Way, Kingshurst, Birmingham, B37 6BE
Telephone: 0121 770 0406
Website: www.kingshurstmedicalpractice.co.uk
Green Lane Surgery
Address: Green Lane Surgery, Smiths Wood Medical Centre, Burton Way, Smith's Wood, Birmingham, B36 0SZ
Telephone: 0121 749 5115
Website: www.greenlaneandsheldonsurgery.co.uk
Sheldon Heath Road Surgery
Address: Sheldon Heath Road Surgery, 119 Sheldon Heath Road, Sheldon, Birmingham, B26 2DP
Telephone: 0121 784 5465
Website: www.greenlaneandsheldonsurgery.co.uk
Manor House Lane Surgery
Address: Manor House Lane Surgery, 1 Manor House Lane, South Yardley, Birmingham, B26 1PE
Telephone: 0121 743 2273
Marston Green Surgery
Address: Chelmsley Lane Surgery, 20 Chelmsley Lane, Marston Green, Birmingham, B37 7BG
Telephone: 0121 779 3171
Parkfield Medical Centre
Address: 10 Parkfield Drive, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham,
B36 9EJ
Telephone: 0121 749 5757
Website: www.parkfieldmedical.co.uk
Rowlands Road Surgery
Address: Rowlands Road Surgery, 15 Rowlands Road, South Yardley, Birmingham, B26 1AT
Telephone: 0121 706 6623
Website: www.rowlandsroadsurgery.com